DRAMA and entertainment were always high on the agenda at Botley Women’s Institute in Oxford.

Members would rehearse, then take to the stage to entertain audiences with a variety of productions.

At one time, five women – June Pheysey-Jones, Kate Sansome, Sue Freeman, Jenny Holloway and one other whose name everyone appears to have forgotten – were a great hit as the Jackson Five, the popular 1970s’ singers.

They performed in wigs and costumes from the era, as you can see in the picture.

The drama group was led for some years by Miss Holborough, described by those who remember her as “a formidable lady, who expected everyone to be word perfect”.

One can imagine her reaction if she had been in charge when members performed a tableau in London, their train departed and they were left behind!

Another picture sent in by the Botley WI archivist, Jenny Holloway, shows members staging Sing a Song of Sixpence.

In that photograph, we know the names of only two performers – Priscilla Enoch on the left and Muriel Best on the right. Does anyone recognise any of the others?

We also don’t know the name of the woman at the back in ordinary clothes, or why she is holding the banner of Cumnor WI. Perhaps Botley had a link with Cumnor at that time.

Botley WI, which now has 36 members and meets on the first Tuesday of the month, is one of the oldest in the area, having been formed in 1909.

One of the early presidents was Miss Toynbee, who held meetings at her house at Cumnor Hill, with “dancing on the terrace followed by a cream tea”.

A source of pride is that Botley WI has always owned its hall. The first was on what is now the A34. The second and current one, in North Hinksey Lane, was built in 1928.

The other picture shows founder members, Mrs Parker and Mrs Rogers, cutting a 60th anniversary cake.

Can anyone tell us more?