I AM, of course, delighted that Bayards Hill School has received the go-ahead for a £6.6m rebuild (Oxford Mail, January 29).

This was a long-promised commitment from the previous Labour Government and it is marvellous that the county council and councillor Michael Waine have managed to find funds to honour that commitment to rebuild this rickety school that is literally falling apart. However, there is another deserving school in Oxford, equally in a state of disrepair, but unable to access money previously promised for an urgently needed rebuild, and that is Rose Hill School.

Amazingly, this school has improved, thanks to headteacher Sue Mortimer and dedicated staff, from a school assessed by Ofsted in 2008 to be in need of special measures to being classed as good, in July last year.

In fact, Rose Hill School is officially the “most improved school in England” (Oxford Mail, December 14 last year).

Is this the reward that the Government wants to promise for hard work and dedication: Withdrawal of desperately-needed funds needed to give primary school children in a deprived part of Oxford a fair start in life?

I have no issue with Oxfordshire County Council, which, I know is really trying to maintain standards in schools, but I call on David Cameron, George Osborne and Michael Gove to find a way of funding the long-promised rebuilding of this most deserving school to provide the children of Rose Hill with a fit place in which to learn.

JOHN SANDERS, county councillor for Littlemore and Cowley; Governor, Rose Hill School, Oxford