FOR many years now the condition of the roads in and around Bicester has been deteriorating, to the point that some of them are accidents waiting to happen.

I have called many times and alerted the highways people to damage and hazards in Keble Road and Churchill Road and, to be fair, they have attended speedily. However, this is not the point.

I am not satisfied with the quality of the work. Repairs are carried out, in my view, with inferior methods and materials, with workmen only filling in holes which reach a certain criteria.

Other holes of lesser depth are left until they reach the criteria, when, once again, everybody reviews everything, and the whole rigmarole starts again.

Is this saving money? I think not.

Must we wait until the inevitable happens and your newspaper has to report the tragic death of a cyclist swerving to avoid one of those death traps, or a car pulling out to avoid a chasm and being hit by an oncoming vehicle? What will the excuse be?

We are not a Third World country, we are Great Britain, but we cannot do our housekeeping.

B JONES, Keble Road, Bicester