Police are appealing for information after a burglary in Asthall Leigh.

Burglars forced their way into a property some time between 9.15am and 12.55pm yesterday, and stole cash, various items of jewellery, a digital camera and cigarettes.

PC Rachel Fewtrell said: “I would urge anyone who was in the area yesterday who may have seen something suspicious to come forward and speak to us as soon as possible.

“Perhaps you saw someone who looked out of place or a suspicious vehicle hanging around? If so, then we would like to hear from you.

“I would also urge people to keep any valuables out of sight and avoiding keeping things in obvious locations.

“If you have any items of jewellery that are of a high value, always ensure that you have photographs of them for insurance purposes and to aid police in tracing them if they should be stolen.

“Always ensure that your windows and doors are securely fastened. Anyone who would like to have a visit from a local PCSO to offer crime reduction information, can do so by contacting the Thames Valley Police non-emergency number on 0845 8 505 505.”

Anyone with information about this incident should contact PC Fewtrell via the 24-hour Thames Valley Police Enquiry Line on 0845 8 505 505. Alternatively, you can contact the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.