Police today issued an appeal for information after a man was struck around the head in a Banbury nightclub.

The 23-year-old man was in The Sound Exchange in High Street when the assault happened.

Some time between 2am and 3am on Christmas Day, the man was crossing the dance floor on the second floor of the venue when he was struck with what is believed to be a bottle.

PC Lizzi Leach said: “We do not know at this time if the man was deliberately hit around the head with the bottle, or whether it was thrown at his head.

“Either way, the blow resulted in a nasty injury to the back of the man’s head that required a number of stitches.

“I would like to speak to anyone who was in the club who may have seen the incident and can provide us with any information about what happened and who was involved.”

Anyone with information should contact PC Leach via the 24-hour Thames Valley Police Enquiry Line on 0845 8 505 505. Alternatively, you can contact the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.