A pretty incompetent county council not only has one of the worst records in the country for poor achievement levels at primary school level (and seems not to be doing anything about the issue) but compounds the damage by proposing to close more than a third of the county’s public libraries.

It is not council leader Keith Mitchell’s finest example of joined up thinking.

In Summertown, which is about to lose its public library, a protest group has been formed.

And knowing how bogus Mr Mitchell’s consultation exercise is, the group is being realistic in offering to help organise volunteer help to keep open the library as a vital community and educational resource.

The county council could save considerable costs by using volunteer help, but accepting that it has to continue to guarantee the following:

  • The site in South Parade will not be sold to the highest bidder.
  • The premises costs (maintenance, heating and lighting and insurance) will continue to be paid by the county.
  • There will continue to be a new books budget.
  • A professional librarian will be employed during opening hours, to guide and advise.

Local residents will respond to such a package, I believe.

What about a positive response from you Mr Mitchell?

Mike Gotch, Oxford city councillor, Wolvercote