WE NOW know that councillor Jean Fooks opposes the closure of any libraries (Oxford Mail, January 6).

All we now need to know is where she would make the £2m cut to be able to reprieve the libraries? She will have a chance to do this when the Liberal opposition presents its alternative budget on February 15.

But it would be really helpful if she let us have her ideas earlier.

Many of us would dearly love to continue funding more of our libraries but the financial settlement we have from the Liberal-Conservative Coalition means we have to reduce our spending in 2011/12 by £58m.

It is a zero sum game, Mrs Fooks; exempt our libraries from cuts and you have to make up the shortfall from somewhere else.

Where would you swing the axe? This is the legacy we have after 13 years of Labour government.

Keith R Mitchell, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, Oxford