SUE CROFT, the principal at the new Oxford Spires Academy, is certainly laying down the law for how she expects the reborn school to run.

Oxford Spires has replaced the former Oxford Community School in the east of the city in what was a hugely controversial move.

Yesterday was the first day for the academy and Mrs Croft has told the pupils in no uncertain terms what she expects and what she is aspiring to.

She said she wanted to see 70 per cent of pupils earning five A* to C GCSEs, including English and maths.

That would be an improvement of more than 50 per cent on the 2009 figures for Oxford School and so would be a big success.

Mrs Croft seems to be laying down the foundations for that improvement in basic standards and discipline.

Children who attended school yesterday not wearing their uniform in the correct way were told to stay away from assembly and given detentions.

Mrs Croft has laid down the rules in no uncertain terms and expects them to be followed.

We wish her, and more importantly the pupils, every success in the future.