Sir – As an ex-choirboy and London University graduate, I’d like to pick up on Robert Triggs’ recent suggestion that “the great majority of Oxford dons are either agnostic or atheist” and his questioning “how many people actually make up the congregations at (college) chapel services (today)?” Such is the visibility of the proselytising Student Christian Weeks, the University’s Atheist Society mounted, last February, a “ThinkWeek” alternative. With help from Oxford (town) Humanists and others, ThinkWeek comprised around 20 different events — each, in a non-proselytising way, aiming “to support and promote the discussion of Atheism” both within the University and across the broader local community.

Obviously we succeeded in attracting some college dons but not, disappointingly, the great majority who, according to Mr Triggs, should now be identified as “one of us”.

Perhaps, our local dons spend more time supporting their students than in bothering with the scientifically incredible mumbo-jumbo utterances of “the faithful”, however beautiful the music and the buildings in which one can hear them.

Meanwhile, this year’s ThinkWeek’s co-ordinating team has already started planning for the week commencing Monday, February 21, 2011.

John White, (Imperial College, 1962), Chairman, Oxford Humanists