Sir – You reported (December 16) the story that Nicky Wishart, a 12-year-old boy, had been called out of class and interviewed by the police without the presence or knowledge of his mother, because he used Facebook to propose a demonstration in Witney against the withdrawal of funding from Eynsham Youth Club by Oxfordshire County Council.

As a result, this alerted the anti-terrorist squad. Both Jack Mahli, the local police area commander for West Oxfordshire and Andy Hamilton, headmaster of Bartholomew School, have expressed regret that Nicky’s mother was neither informed, nor present, at the interview and have both apologised.

I am in the process of formulating plans for the future of the Eynsham Youth Club with the moral, but not financial, backing of Oxfordshire County Council.

These efforts have the support of Eynsham Parish Council and Bartholemew School. It will however need sponsorship from the local community, both financial and of a voluntary nature, to support the continuation of this well-used and appreciated facility.

Charles Mathew, Oxfordshire county councillor for the division of Eynsham