WHAT a shame that the Harrier jump jets have been taken out of service and also Ark Royal will be taken out of service by Christmas.

We have lost an awful lot of air protection in this country, it would have been better to have kept it all until 2020 when the Ark Royal will be replaced, then it could have been out with old and in with the new.

Seems to me that this Coalition thinks more about saving money than they do about the protection of this country.

We have another 10 years to go before they are replaced. We have lost a lot of our air power.

We, the people of this country, don’t scrap our cars when they are working perfectly but then we don’t and can’t afford to waste money like you and our local councils.

Funny how the Government can find the money to bail countries out, and money for disasters.

Keep going the way they are and this country will have its own disaster.

P HOWARD, Brome Place, Headington, Oxford