I DOUBT if any of your readers will take seriously Councillor John Tanner’s tirade against the coalition Government and his desperate attempt to defend Labour’s record.

In their 13 years in government, Labour managed to widen the gap between rich and poor, allowed the growth in top salaries to reach obscene levels; presided over the continuing loss of manufacturing industry; and watched house prices rocket while doing nothing to build new council houses.

They were certainly good at spending money and they left us with a financial crisis and a £12bn budget deficit, not to mention an illegal war, growing evidence of their involvement in torture, total incompetence in managing immigration and an ever-intrusive state.

Our new Government has increased tax at the top end of incomes and reduced it for low earners; it is targeting schools’ money at disadvantaged pupils; its new regime for universities will make it less expensive for poorer students; it is seriously addressing the challenge of long-term care for the elderly. I could go on.

Labour is good at telling us how much they care. What a pity they have left such a mess behind them which the coalition Government is having to clear up.

MARGARET GODDEN, Divinity Road, Oxford