This year St Helen's Church, Abingdon will not be waiting for Christmas Eve before decorating the church and and only being open to welcome visitors to its services. Instead the church will be open every Sunday afternoon between 2 - 4pm to invite visitors to come in and experience an atmosphere of anticipation as the church is transformed week by week ready for the great festival. There will be live music, story telling for children and seasonal refreshments.

A major feature of this transformation will be the fifteen foot Christmas Tree with one thousand lights which will be dedicated during the Advent Carol Service at 4.30pm on the 28th November. Acting at first as a Jesse tree with symbols of the Christmas story, decorations will be added week by week until it emerges as a fully decorated Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve.

Carols by Candlelight at 4.30pm on the 19th December, Christingle at 4.30pm on the 24th December, and the Christmas Services on the the 25th, all offer an opportunity for everyone to escape the hurly burly of Christmas preparations for a time for reflection. Christmas celebrations will continue with story telling as above on Sunday the 2nd January, a family service followed by tea to celebrate Epiphany on January 9th, and finish with a live performance of Amahl and the Night Visitors on Saturday 16th.

For more information tel me as above or speak to the Rector Revd Dr Charles Miller 01235 520144 Based on information supplied by Mrs Susan Scott.