JACKASS 3D (18).

Comedy. Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Ryan Dunn, Wee Man, Preston Lacy, Dave England, Ehren McGhehey. Director: Jeff Tremaine.

Everything you need to know about the third feature-length instalment of the outrageous MTV show is encapsulated within the consumer advice from the British Board of Film Classification: “Contains extremely crude and dangerous stunts, and strong nudity.”

%movie(27184) By crude, the BBFC means vomit, blood and excrement aplenty as Johnny Knoxville and his daredevil pals attempt another bewildering array of pratfalls that defy all common sense.

Since the joke is on the Jackass team, we can’t help but laugh as these grown men set themselves up for an almighty fall by risking life and limb for our supposed amusement.

Animated duo Beavis and Butt-head introduce the mayhem, which begins gently with a sequence called The High Five in which unsuspecting members of the team are walloped in the face by a giant hand.

The danger factor increases as Steve-O risks his ability to bear children in the eye-watering Tee Ball and then Knoxville feels the full force of Mother Nature in Roller Buffalo.

Bone-crunching replays in slow motion are horrific, the amplified sound leaving us in no doubt that the team will be frequent visitors to the local hospital Some of the stunts are childish fun – withstanding the blast from the engine of a jet plane – while others are plain stupid, like the aptly named Electric Avenue, which sees all of the team running the gauntlet of stun guns.

At its best, Jackass 3D is hysterical. But for every flash of genius there is also a smear of unrestrained filth.