THE launch of a trial of an implant which would allow some blind people to be able to ‘see’ again is exciting news.

If successful, the amazing device could mean that those suffering a particular kind of blindness would get some sort of vision that could significantly improve their lives.

As we report today, the implant is for people who have suffered the degenerative condition retinitis pigmentosa.

A tiny microchip packed with light sensors relays electrical signals to stimulate the nerves in the retina, which in turn leads to the brain processing an image.

It can lead to people being able to read, recognise people from 20ft and even see loved ones smile again.

Can you imagine being able to give any greater gift?

It is being talked of as the equivalent of cochlea implants for the deaf and was yesterday welcomed by blind people.

It could be available within five years and would mean some people no longer needed guide dogs.

One of the worst feelings of blindness is the restrictions it imposes and the reliance on others for many things.

Imagine the sense of independence this could give to sufferers – surely the main gift of such technology rather than the actual ‘images’.

We do live in an amazing age.