I AM thrilled that the grant of £47,000 for the adventure playground in South Oxford will now go ahead after all.

It makes sense to invest in adventurous and imaginative play for the next generation, especially in our urban areas.

I would like to thank everyone who campaigned and lobbied to save the South Oxford Adventure Playground grant. On July 3, Keith Mitchell said Labour’s Playbuilder grants would go ahead because “we keep to our word”. But by July 21, the Government had put all the Playbuilder grants on hold.

So the Government’s decision to let Oxfordshire’s grants proceed is extremely welcome.

I’m glad the leader of the county council is able to keep his word.

If only Mr Mitchell and the Tory-Lib Dem Government would apply the same logic to other spending.

Investing in our young people, from Sure Start to universities and apprenticeships, is far too important to be wrecked by savage spending cuts. Young people are the future of our country.

JOHN TANNER, City councillor for Littlemore, County councillor for Isis, Sunningwell Road, Oxford