COUNCILLORS will tonight be asked agree the demolition of the Cowley Centre Post Office to make way for a new building, which could include a pub or takeaway.

An application has been made to Oxford City Council to demolish the Post Office in Upper Barr which was last used in 2007,before relocating to the Co-op store inside Templars Square.

It would be replaced by a two storey building, including two ground floor units which could be used for retail, financial and professional services, a restaurant, a pub or a hot food takeaway shop.

Concerns have been raised by Wheeler’s Butchers, which occupy a unit next to the old Post Office, who claim a proposed stairway will impinge on their land and get in the way.

Cagney Cafe, next to the butchers, have also objected, claiming the proposal will impact on deliveries to the cafe. And some residents have raised concerns about car parking and have asked for more information on what the unit will be used for. They fear a takeaway would increase litter and rats.

Officers have recommended the council’s Cowley Area Committee backs the plan when it meets at John Bunyan Baptish Church, Crowell Road, at 6.30pm.