Full marks to Tim Siret for maintaining the spotlight on the unpunished crimes committed by Israel (Oxford Mail, October 19).

A proud Briton, I am ashamed that my country is party to the disgraceful double-standards which are applied to Israel.

It has blatantly ignored UN resolutions which demanded its withdrawal from the illegally occupied territories.

It has flouted international law with the West Bank Defence Barrier, which cuts through land occupied and farmed by Palestinians for generations and which is seen as a further pretext to annex yet more Palestinian land.

It has used weapons which have been banned by most civilised countries, such as white phosphorous and cluster bombs.

It has secretly developed nuclear weapons, refused to allow international inspections and failed to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty.

It has cloned the passports of nationals of other countries (including the UK) in order to carry out political assassinations.

It has committed piracy and murder in international waters.

It has continued the cruel siege of Gaza, which prevents access to much-needed medical supplies, food and material required to repair the devastation caused by the Israeli onslaught of 2009.

It deliberately shelled the UN compound at Qana in Lebanon in April 1996, where 800 civilians were sheltering in the belief they would be safe, using shells fitted with proximity fuses causing them to explode above ground to achieve maximum casualties.

In October 1953 the village of Qibya was destroyed by Israeli forces commanded by Ariel Sharon by dynamiting houses and killing the inhabitants as they slept.

In September 1982 up to 3,500 Palestinian refugees were slaughtered in the camps of Sabra and Chatila by Maronite Christian militia who, if not ordered by Sharon (then Israeli Defence Minister), were reportedly encouraged by him.

Are any more examples necessary? None of these actions have ever been punished, only by words of condemnation.

Any attempt at the UN to censure Israel is invariably vetoed at the UN by the USA.

It has to be imagined what the reaction would be if these acts of depravity were carried out by certain other countries, particularly if they possessed reserves of oil.

Why have there been no sanctions imposed on Israel? Why are its crimes overlooked in this way when most other countries would be punished or subjected to ‘regime change’? It does little for the credibility of the United Nations if its resolutions are enforced so selectively.

Gordon Clack Witney Road Ducklington Witney