TEENAGERS have painted a subway under Oxford’s ring road.

Eighteen youngsters from Cutteslowe spent several weeks designing a mural for the drab underpass linking Jackson Road and Templar Road.

The group spent their school holiday last week armed with spray cans and stencils to create the artwork, depicting flowers and silhouettes of young people from the estate.

Youth worker Afzal Gill said: “The subway was horrible. People let their dogs go to the toilet there and it had lots of nasty graffiti.”

He praised the young artists for their efforts. He added: “We thought it would be good to give these young people something positive to do during the holiday.”

The work was funded by a £1,762 grant from Oxford City Council and organised by the county youth service and Cutteslowe Community Centre.

The centre runs a regular art club, funded with cash from BBC’s Children in Need, at which the teens came up with their designs.