CHERWELL District Council has released details of how it has been spending taxpayers’ money.

Cherwell is one of just 16 councils in the country to release information about individual payments of more than £500, staff expenses and what its senior managers earn and councillors receive in allowances.

The figures show chief executive Mary Harpley, who is leaving the council for a new job, earned £138,056 in 2009-10, while council leader Barry Wood received £17,655 in allowances.

Residents can view a breakdown of payments on the council’s website and see for themselves what the council spends taxpayers’ money on.

The information was released ahead of the Government’s January 2011 deadline for all councils to reveal details of spending. The move is part of an initiative to encourage councils to be more transparent.

James Macnamara, Cherwell’s executive member for resources and communications, said: “Publishing the information in this easy-to-access format demonstrates Cherwell’s focus on openness and value for money.

“Most of the people who have come back to us are councillors asking ‘why we are spending X or Y?’ “It’s a really good discipline. Hopefully every council officer will ask ‘am I spending money on something I can absolutely justify?’.

“You look at your bank account to see what you have spent. Why can’t you look at ours to see what has been spent on your behalf?”