NEIGHBOURS have been divided by an Oxford City Council decision to cut down trees separating two roads.

The city council said residents in Edmund Road, Cowley, had asked housing officers to cut down trees and foliage.

But people living in Maidcroft Road have complained about increased noise, lack of privacy and damage to wildlife.

Warren Dunkley, of Maidcroft Road, said he was angry he had not been consulted about the decision to cut down the trees.

He said: “Before, when I looked out of my window, all I could see was trees.

“Now when I look, all I can see is a housing estate. I know they will say there are no birds nesting there at this time of year, but I know for a fact there were squirrels in those trees and magpies were nesting there.

“The trees also kept out a lot of the noise from Cowley Road.”

Jan Seed, also of Maidcroft Road, added: “We’re furious.”

Council spokesman Louisa Dean said: “Residents in Edmund Road, who live in council-owned accommodation, had asked us to remove overgrowth in a disused area behind their houses, which is also council land.

“We have cut back the trees and plants that were growing in the area to fence height, which is about 6ft.

“We always consider wildlife when carrying out work like this.

“The tenants are really pleased with the work.”