PLEASE treat us like mature, intelligent adults Mr Herbert, because just as that old cliche goes, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

And while you might be tempted to believe you can – after all, as police and criminal justice minister for the Coalition Government, your ivory tower must seem very safe and sheltered at times – may we remind you that suggesting crime may fall in the face of spending cuts stretches credibility.

You see, no matter how good you may think your Paul Daniels-esque sleight of hand, the truth is, it’s only the others in the Whitehall bubble who will want to believe you.

Outside, in the real world, less money for policing – about 14 per cent in fact – can only mean fewer police preventing or solving crime.

There may be some inefficiencies but these cuts will make our police’s job harder.

Cuts, Mr Herbert, can only lead to one thing: a gold engraved invitation for every lout, burglar, and conman that the party’s just beginning.

Most of us know why budgets are being slashed for policing and other public serives – the country has a massive deficit to pay off – so don’t try to kid us.