Stay as trim as your tree this festive season. Susan Griffin discovers how to whittle down your waist and keep those extra calories at bay.

While we all like to sparkle over Christmas, sometimes we can end up looking more like Santa, than the fairy on top of the tree. Instead of allowing the television schedule to control your waistline, it is time to think about active ways to revel in the festive season, which are not entirely chocolate-based.

Clean up your act

Before the hordes of family and friends descend on your home, it is worth thinking about how you can make cleaning more than just a chore. Use the blitz on your home as a way to burn lots of calories.

Vacuuming or mopping for an hour can burn 194 calories. Lunge while you vacuum and mop, to tone up legs and bum. Even a little light dusting will take off 174 calories.
Ironing will shave off a further 113 calories. If you play music while you clean, you will work harder and it will help get you into the festive mood.
A great way to lose weight is by cleaning your windows, which will help you lose 118 calories an hour.
Plan your cleaning mission so you have to use the stairs as much as possible. An hour of traipsing up and down will burn a whopping 516 calories.
While you are tidying up, put the TV remote somewhere hard to reach and keep it there, so you will have to get off the sofa to change the channel over Christmas.

Shop your way into shape

You might think doing the Christmas shopping is an inhumane exercise, fraught with tension, sharp elbows and levels of spending which only Victoria Beckham can justify. But if you think about it as a way to lose physical pounds, as well as paper ones, then the challenge becomes slightly more rewarding. It is true there are few tasks more stressful than trudging up and down the high street looking for Christmas gifts. But the rare plus point is that leaving the car — and heels — at home, and donning your trainers instead, can bring rewards.

At a moderate walking pace you can burn around 287 calories — and that is without counting the workout you will give your arms as you haul those bags up and down.
Look for chances to work out even harder, such as treating the crowds as a slalom course instead! Whip in and out of the shoppers and give yourself a full body workout.
Do not be tempted to take any shortcuts while on the move. Avoid the lifts and walk up and down the escalators, remembering that every calorie counts.
Use as much of your body as you can when you walk and be conscious of your muscles. Walk tall, with your shoulders back, abdomen tight and buttocks clenched.
After the shop, bring in the carrier bags one or two at a time rather than trying to balance the whole lot in one go. You will burn more calories going back and forth.

Trim as the tree

Definitely one of the most enjoyable activities of the festive season, decorating your tree is a great time to start your Christmas workout. It begins when you haul your tree home from the local garden centre, or climb up to the loft to grab the artificial one.

Just 30 minutes of climbing stairs or ladders amounts to around 294 calories burned.
Go for the stretch when dangling those lights, tinsel and baubles to tone your back and upper arms.
Make life difficult for yourself and instead of having someone pass the decorations up to you, keep climbing up and down the ladder to hang those baubles, or head back and forth to the dining table where they are all laid out.
If it is all seeming a little bit too easy, go for broke and invent a reason to stay on your toes. Do not resort to small decorative statements, go for the burn and hang big garlands, cards and lights from every surface. If find yourself not needing a ladder, or needing to crouch down low, you are just not being festive enough!

Cooking up a storm

When you are concocting a menu which will probably come in around the billion calorie mark, slip in a few exercises while slaving at the hot stove. Even chopping the veg can burn calories. Make sure you squat down to grab saucepans, stretch up to cupboards for ingredients and alternate your hands when whisking and stirring to give your arms a full workout.

Treat your time at the hob like your very own steam room and wear an extra layer. Sweating is a great way to release toxins from the body — although this look is not recommended for when you are about to welcome guests!
Make sure you replace any lost fluids by drinking lots of water. You should aim for eight glasses a day, even when it is cold outside, to ensure glowing skin.
Impress friends and family with your toned arms by making your own bread. Kneading dough is hard work and you will also win applause for your culinary skills.