OXFORD city councillor John Tanner claims that the coalition government is deliberately putting families “under fire” with the cuts being proposed and, once again, goes on to blame “the bankers who created the mess in the first place” (Oxford Mail, October 13).

Come off it, Mr Tanner. The mess started in 2001 when Gordon Brown started spending more each year than his government was receiving in income.

This spending binge continued after Mr Brown became Prime Minister and until he packed his bags after the General Election.

The banking crisis did increase government spending at the same time as the recession reduced government income, however, other countries had been less spendthrift before these events and were better prepared to cope with them.

Finally, the banking crisis happened, in part, because Mr Brown had deregulated the financial industry during his time as Chancellor.

This country’s severe financial crisis is the direct result of 13 years of a Labour government, in which Gordon Brown was, firstly, Chancellor and then Prime Minister. That is why we are all under fire.

Keith R Mitchell, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, Oxford