Sir – Oxford may have some of the most extensive cycle lanes in the country (Letters, September 23), but none reach Farmoor.

Would-be cyclists in Farmoor are deterred by the hazardous B4044 from Botley to Eynsham, which is the main route in and out of the village.

The B4044 is busy, narrow, twisting, and unlit with no pedestrian footway on either side. Cars exceed speed limits, and buses and heavy goods vehicles pass dangerously close to cyclists. Also, cyclists are often forced towards the middle of the road by potholes and broken-up tarmac at the edges.

Yet this is a popular commuter route within two miles of Oxford. This state of affairs is not to the credit of the county council.

A cycle track is needed first of all between Farmoor and Dean Court. This has been raised several times before but to no avail.

Such a track would join the cycle lanes on the road through Dean Court to Botley and onwards to provide a safe route to Oxford city centre.

There is space for it on the north-side verge. Although budgets are under pressure, now is the time to plan, design and price the scheme. This should cost a good deal less and achieve a good deal more than many other traffic management schemes.

The Farmoor cycle track is an idea whose time has come. The low accident rate is not because the road is safe but because it is too unsafe for most people to cycle at all.

We will be working with all partners, including Cyclox, to help bring it about.

Janet Godden, County councillor for North Hinksey and Wytham

Dudley Hoddinott, District councillor for Cumnor and Appleton