I went to bed on Saturday night just before midnight after a long and tiring day spent journeying back from Athens. Sleep proved utterly impossible, however, because of pounding drum and bass music penetrating my closed, double-glazed windows.

Lying there, furious at the racket, I wondered how long it would be before council environmental health officers put an end to what was a misery for me and, presumably, thousands of others within earshot. They did nothing. The ‘music’ went on till 6am.

This — I was flabbergasted to learn from the Oxford Mail on Tuesday — was precisely what had been permitted to the rave organisers . . . by officials of West Oxfordshire District Council.

It beggars belief that such a situation should have arisen — that the amusement of 500 people in a field near Cassington should murder sleep for the population of Oxford. Somebody must be called to account for this monstrous infringement of our rights as citizens. And soon.