it was interesting to read the letter from Bob Timbs, the city council’s executive member for leisure, and his so-called answers to questions about the closure of Temple Cowley pool (Oxford Mail, September 1).

But he created more questions than answers.

For example, he said in his letter “the city has twice the national average of accessible water space and, with the exception of Ferry Sports Centre, the council’s leisure centres are under-used.”

If this is the case, why not just close Temple Cowley Pool, sell the site to a developer for several million pounds and instead of building a bigger (unnecessary) pool at Blackbird Leys, as has been agreed, use the money to refurbish the many empty city council-owned houses that have been left empty for a number of years, and which have fallen into disrepair?

I accept that by doing this councillors would have to come clean and admit they have empty properties.

But by doing this they would not only save money but do a very big service for the homeless.

Keith Brooks, Gateley, Horspath