BUSY parents on an Oxford estate will be able to pamper themselves for a pound this weekend.

People living in Barton can head down to the Neighbourhood Centre, in Underhill Circus, on Saturday for the eighth annual Therapy Day.

The event, organised by the Barton Community Association, aims to give people a taste of the high life which they otherwise might struggle to afford.

Organiser Sue Holden, secretary of the association, said that therapists would be offering a variety of treatments, including aromatherapy, shiatsu, facials, eyebrow shaping, waxing, manicures and pedicures, and reflexology.

Visitors to the centre will also be able to get a hair cut for £1, a fraction of the price they would usually pay, and have the chance to have their own caricature painted by a local artist.

Mrs Holden said: “The idea of the day is to give people on the estate a little bit of ‘me’ time.

“We don’t say children are banned, but we do say it’s more for adults.

“It’s about allowing mum and dad, or any busy adult, access to therapies which are normally quite expensive and, in some cases, prohibitively expensive.”

The Therapy Day, which costs about £1,500 to host, is funded by Oxford City Council, the county’s primary care trust, NHS Oxfordshire, and Oxford Citizen’s Housing Association.

Barton Community Association will also be handing out vouchers for gym taster sessions at the city’s leisure centres.

Mrs Holden said last year’s day was a knockout success, with more than 300 people attending, including a surprising number of men.

She added: “It’s not just for women.

“Men also enjoy coming along, although there are obviously less.

“People leave feeling very refreshed and invigorated.

“We often have people coming along and having the full works, and leaving with money left over from £10.

“Something like this is so important for Barton.

“It’s a chance for busy hard working people to have a bit of a treat, on us.

“The day is so popular, the minute one finishes, people ask about the next.

“I wish we could have them every six months, they are so good for the community.”

The Barton Therapy Day runs between 10.30am and 3.30pm.

All treatments cost £1.