If you made the grade on results’ day, congratulations, you can sit back and dream about a new life soon to begin at university. But if you did not get exactly what you needed, and the dream now seems distant, one question will dominate: Now what?

Making the grade for university last year was tough, and this year things are no easier. Universities have experienced a record number of applications, while the number of places has fallen to Government cuts. Years of candidates achieving ever higher success in A-Level grades have meant more courses demanding AAA, and with the arrival of the A*, you can expect to see this trend continue.

Clearing, once again, is likely to finish early, and offer only a compromise on your ambition, so beware — do not accept a course in haste, only to repent at leisure. Dropping out of university costs money and wastes time you could be spending more wisely right now, improving disappointing grades at a tutorial college where you can focus on what you need to do to improve.

At Cherwell College, what you need is our first concern. Individual tuition is our main method of teaching, and allows us to focus on your exact needs for retake, with a week- by-week programme of revision teaching and testing through mock exam which is crucial — showing you just how to take control in the exam room.

For nearly 40 years, our students have been delighted to discover that what seemed like more slog, a further term or year of A-Level study, was actually something new, invigorating and transformative.

Top universities often complain that modern students are not sufficiently developed, that modular A-Levels encourage a ‘learn and forget’ culture.

At Cherwell, so many of our students say they feel much better prepared for university, thanks to us.

Our liberating environment helps span the gap between school and university. Our students turn today’s weaknesses into tomorrow’s strengths — we will cover topics you may have missed or struggled with, and establish key concepts, a broad understanding and study skills that will lay the groundwork for success in higher education.

The support and encouragement of our academic staff, in combination with our highly-experienced tutors, means we make learning really come alive.

Cherwell is all about flexibility. If you can retake in just one term, take final exams in January and have time for some gap year travelling we will show you how — the new version of A-Level involves fewer examination units and allows for more speedy retake.

If today has brought AS results that leave you with limited options for A2 study, we can offer very flexible one-year studies, with retake of AS exams alongside new A2 study. University is still only one year away.

The college can look after up to 150 students taking A-Levels and GCSEs, is co-educational and offers boarding opportunities in one of our college owned and managed halls of residence in north Oxford. If you would like more information, or would like to visit, e-mail secretary@cherwell-college.co.uk or call 01865 242670.

Andy Thompson, principal, Cherwell College