David Cameron will reflect on his first 100 days as British Prime Minister from the Cornish seaside, as he enjoys a summer holiday with his family.

But what have the public, politicians and business leaders in Oxfordshire made of his tenure so far?

He came to power on the back of a hung parliament – the first in the UK for more than 30 years – and three months later opinion is still divided.

A YouGov poll has revealed that 55 per cent of voters think he has performed well so far, and 40 per cent approve of the coalition’s decisions to date.

In Oxfordshire, the milestone has met with similar mixed reaction.

Oxford East Labour MP Andrew Smith, the county’s only non-Conservative MP, said: “I think they have moved boldly and with audacity to establish the coalition and they have put it together with exceptional success.

“But that has been at the cost of a lot of people, especially those who voted Liberal Democrat, having everything they voted for completely trashed.

“People voted Lib Dem, especially in Oxford, to keep the Tories out and stop cuts to public services.

“The cuts will do enormous damage to public services and we are seeing evidence already.

“The cuts are much deeper than the Conservatives even hinted at before the election.”

Christopher Quinton, of Oxfordshire Chamber of Commerce, said Mr Cameron needed to deliver on his sentiment.

He said: “In the main I feel he has done many positive things I did not expect.

“Particularly in trimming down costs in bureaucracy.

“Throwing money at a problem doesn’t necessarily fix it, it’s how it is spent.

“There is a massive improvement required in public sector efficiency.”

But he added not all policies had been good for business in the county.

“The VAT increase next year was negative, but to be expected,” he said.

“On corporation tax and income tax, I subscribe to the view that if they drop the rate of tax they would make more money, as people would not be inclined to avoid it and it would help the economy.

“They feel it necessary to increase taxes.”

He added: “Mr Cameron is making the right noises but now he has to deliver.”

PRIME Minister David Cameron reviews his first 100 days in power...

"OUR Coalition Government has hit the ground running.

We are a Government for five years not 100 days and we are starting to get to grips with the record budget deficit we inherited.

We have completed an in-year spending review to save £6bn of Government waste and provided an Emergency Budget, which shows just how serious we are about taking the tough decisions to rebalance our economy and live within our means once again.

We will focus on creating economic growth and cutting red tape and bureaucracy wherever it exists.

On Foreign Policy we have made Afghanistan our number one priority. We have a new National Security Council and we are rebuilding the military covenant and valuing our troops in the way they deserve.

But this is only the beginning.

We have really difficult decisions ahead with the Spending Review and Strategic Defence Review to get our economy right for the longer term and put our armed forces on a sustainable footing.

We are committed to a first class NHS for everyone, streets that are safe, families that are stable and communities having a greater say on their future.

New politics will bring a new style of governing.

We do not think we have all the answers.

Whitehall does not know best. We want more decisions taken locally with local people able to make a difference.

We want government at all levels to be open and transparent in everything we do so you the public can judge how well money is spent on health outcomes, on school results, on crime figures and on cleaner streets.

So that people can see the value they are getting for their money.

During my first 100 days in office, I have returned to West Oxfordshire as often as I can.

I have already held seven surgeries during this period and carried out a whole range of visits and engagements and I will continue to do so going forward.

I greatly enjoy my constituency work, helping in every way I can and wherever I may be, I am always in close and regular contact with Witney."