PUPILS at Chipping Norton’s St Mary’s Primary School collected pennies, sold fruit pots and organised a mini-fete to raise almost £1,000 for charity.

Dave Lewis, chief technician at RAF Lyneham, in Wiltshire, centre, visited the school this week, just before setting off on a tour of duty in Afghanistan, to thank children and to receive a cheque for £461.35. The other half of the money they raised was donated to the RSPCA.

Anne Strick, senior administrator at the school, said: “The children had a great time and the Year Fives were made to feel special by having their photographs taken.”

As well as organising fundraising activities during their charity week last month the pupils held a debate to decide which charities should benefit.

Mrs Strick added: “They organised all of the stalls, bagged up the money and counted it with a member of staff. It teaches them organisational skills, how to look after money and they had to make sure it was all added up correctly.”