IT’s officially two years until the London Olympics and leisure centres in Oxford are holding free activities this weekend to celebrate.

Starting today, centres across the city will open free to the public.

In Summertown, Ed Oakley, operations manager at Ferry Leisure Centre, has been setting up a series of challenges as part of the UK-wide celebration.

He said: “The city’s four sports centres are joining in by throwing open the challenge to local residents to record the individual best time in rowing, gym triathlons and swimming challenges.

“No one escapes the challenge – we’ve even got our lifeguards lined up to compete against visitors in a beat the lifeguard 800 metre challenge”.

At Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre tomorrow, Oxford athlete Danielle Anderson will give a talk about the upcoming games.

Miss Anderson is a member of the GB Olympic Youth squad for the javelin and hopes to compete in 2012.

She recently came third in the UK Games and second in the English National Championships.

Leisure centres around the city have also organised free taster sessions so people can try out martial arts Muay Thai and non-contact boxing.

Trained coaches will be on hand to offer guidance, there will be football and badminton tournaments and free mini health checks will be available with fitness instructors.

For more information, visit or call 0844 8933 222.