MANY people in the past have complained about how dirty the city is, and nothing seems to happen to change this for the better.

Not only are the toilets bad, but the streets are filthy, there is chewing gum on the pavements, cigarette ends litter the bus stops, and some places within the city centre smell of urine. There are even leaves around from last autumn in some places.

One hears of some animals becoming extinct. I suspect Oxford City Council must think brooms are as well, because they rarely seem to be used any more.

When the tourists get off their bus or train, and get on a sightseeing bus and tour the city, they must think what a beautiful city Oxford is, with the guide telling them to look up at places of interest.

But when the tour is finished and then they walk around, they must find a different Oxford.

I cannot understand why the council should allow it to get so bad. It never used to be like this a decade ago, so why now?

I can recall when the cleansing department was down the Botley Road. The superintendent made sure the inspectors designated to the various areas of Oxford kept it clean, by sweeping regularly, and weeding the gutters when needed.

Some people call Oxford ‘the city of dreaming spires’, but I call it ‘the city of dirty streets’.

I expect this plea for cleanliness will fall on deaf ears, but if you want a greener city, then start by getting a cleaner one. Stop wasting money on bins, and buy some useful equipment for the workforce to use.

COLIN SMITH (Former shop steward, cleansing department) George Moore Close Donnington