Abingdon’s beloved old pool is showing its age this year, though still lovely for a dip.

A solution to the algal problem (Wednesday’s Oxford Mail) exists, and the Friends of the Outdoor Pool are working with the Town and District Councils and Soll Leisure, the pool managers, to discover how this might be funded.

A brainstorming meeting with a funding organisation had just finished some 50 minutes before this article went to press, with the prospect that rejuvenation of the pool is on the cards, if all parties work together.

That is why this meeting was organised. It is too early to announce details, but we are optimistic.

We would encourage everyone to support the pool by attending it with their friends and by lobbying for its long term future.

Yes, the pool lining, installed 35 years ago, is worn; algae love to grow on roughened surfaces. But if scrubbed and treated – and that’s been done – it’s safe to swim.

I have swum there more than 20 times this year, enjoyed every visit, and suffered no ill-effects.

Last week a new visitor to the pool said “It’s lovely; an absolute gem, in an incomparable setting. The water’s crystal clear.”

He added: “When I was underwater I could see from end to end!” And he is right.

Your story states “Swimmers say they are disgusted” but appeared to have found only one such swimmer.

Careless criticism can destroy (by neglect) the things we most love about our town.

If any reader wishes to help the Pool Friends, please contact us through the town or district council offices. We would be delighted to work with you towards a sustainable future for the pool.

Peter Harbour, South Avenue, Abingdon