Sir – I note without surprise that the Labour Party’s crocodile tears over the Con-Dem cuts are not matched by any clear statement of what the party that led us into this recession would have done.

The cuts are indeed disastrous. They serve Tory ideology at the expense of youth employment and vital public services: they will prolong the downturn and hurt the worst off: but Labour offers no credible alternative. Clear alternatives do, however, exist.

If this government were serious about cutting the deficit, it might like to consider: cancelling the renewal of Trident and the order for two aircraft carriers which we don’t need; bringing the troops home from Afghanistan; ending PFI and other wasteful part-privatisation schemes; restructuring the tax system so that the burden no longer falls disproportionately on those least able to pay; and closing the loopholes which currently enable large-scale tax avoidance by the very wealthy, costing Britain billions every year.

All these measures can be found in the Green Party manifesto.

They won’t be found in Labour’s: on every one of these issues, the Con-Dems are merely continuing the policies of the previous Government. Some choice; some change.

Marcus Pitcaithly Oxfordshire Green Party