I am writing on behalf of the many hundreds of current and future children at Wolvercote Primary School in Oxford who may be at risk.

I object strongly to plans to put a T-mobile mast in front of the Oxford Hotel on the A40. I am disturbed to find that the operator has omitted to consult the school.

Many parents are worried about the possible health effects of masts near the school and their homes.

Government advisers have said that there is "no convincing evidence of a casual link between long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields and cancer''.

But the history of science is littered with statements like this from experts, which have since been shown to be wrong. Many such statements from scientists, who were eminent in their time, seem ludicrous to us today.

As research becomes more sophisticated and measurements more accurate, adverse side effects are being demonstrated from lower and lower exposures and doses of many kinds. The risks from these masts are simply not known.

This issue cannot be left to big business. Other European governments are not being so cavalier about it.

They have recognised the importance of the precautionary principle when dealing with unknown risks, and are insisting on masts being sited not less than 500 metres from schools and houses. Our measurements show that this mast is significantly nearer the school than the 400 metres claimed, and much closer to people's homes.

Over the past five years, our school has supported initiatives aimed at improving our children's health, encouraging them (and their parents) to walk or cycle to school, eat more healthily and take exercise.

We have had considerable success for example, car usage for the school run has fallen from 45 per cent to 30 per cent.

The city council needs to help us by being consistent and putting the health and safety of our children above commercial considerations. It must reject this proposal.

The operators should be told to look west along the A40, or on the A34, where there is plenty of scope to locate a mast further away from the school and from housing.

Richard Lawrence-Wilson, Chairman of Governors, Wolvercote Primary School, Oxford