BUSINESSES in Oxford have been left counting the cost after England’s disappointing early exit from the World Cup on Sunday.

Traders were expected to enjoy a £10m boost during England’s campaign, as supporters flocked to local pubs, supermarkets and shops.

But experts fear businesses will miss out on at least half that amount after the team’s 4-1 defeat at the hands of Germany.

Business consultant Keith Slater, a former president of Oxford Chamber of Commerce, said that although there had been a definite boost to trade over the past few weeks, he expected a marked downturn this week.

He said: “I would definitely expect there to be fallout from the defeat.

“In Italy, they noticed a 25 per cent drop in productivity the day after they lost last week, because of people phoning in sick.

“Even just a five per cent drop in Oxfordshire’s output would account for a loss of £1.5m today alone. And emotions are running high.”

Last year, sick days reportedly cost the UK economy about £11bn.

Mr Slater added: “Businesses will have been lucky to receive even half the £10m expected.”

In the city centre, shops and pubs also started to take down their England flags and bunting.

“It’s just so disappointing,” said Gavin Emberton, of Hedges Butchers, in the Covered Market.

“They don’t deserve the money they’re paid.”

Meanwhile, a worker at the market’s Wards Snack Bar, said their England flag would be coming down as soon as she could find someone to do it for her.

She added: “I just have one word to describe the situation, terrible.”

However, city publicans seemed more upbeat about their business prospects. during the rest of the tournament in South Africa.

“We have had a fantastic few weeks,” said Egle Pokk, supervisor at Copa, in George Street.

“This was the first time we celebrated a sporting event like this and the atmosphere was great. You could hardly move.

“We’re not too worried about the next few weeks, as we’re a continental bar, so people of all nationalities come here to watch the football.

“A big group of Argentinian supporters were here for their match against Mexico and we had a few German supporters in on Sunday.”

Other venues in Oxford showing matches on big screens are also expecting World Cup fever to last until the final on Sunday, July 11.

The Carne Brazilian BBQ Bar, in Cowley Road, has been showing all of Brazil’s matches at the tournament to huge crowds.

“There’s a fantastic atmosphere. It’s absolutely crazy,” said proprietor Marseles De Oliveira.

“There are so many Brazilian supporters in Oxford, so we expect all of their matches to attract lots of people.

“Just because England are out, it does not mean people will stop watching the games altogether.”

Tamara Lister, barmaid at the Grapes pub, in George Street agreed and said their flags would not be coming down for a while.

She said: “There’s Wimbledon to watch too. And then if that fails, there’s always the racing.”

  • Police arrested just one person in Oxfordshire after the England v Germany World Cup game on Sunday. A 17-year-old youth was held on suspicion of affray and assaulting a police officer outside the Eagle Vaults pub at 9.30pm. Eight other people were arrested across the Thames Valley.