HarryPotter actor Harry Robinson has worked his magic at London's Hampton Court Flower Show.

Mr Robinson, 76, who has appeared as a wizard in the films of JK Rowling's best-selling books and doubled for the late Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore, won a silver gilt medal for an exhibit in the show's hanging basket and window box competition.

And that was not the only good news for Mr Robinson - he has also landed a role in a new Hollywood blockbuster called Stardust, playing an aristocrat alongside Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer and Sienna Miller.

At the show, Mr Robinson, of London Road, Headington, Oxford, represented the Royal Oxfordshire Horticultural Society.

He said he was "over the moon", after winning the medal and added: "It's a great honour considering it was against very stiff comp- etition."

He began preparations for his exhibit in September, and has been nurturing different pink shades of regal pelagonians, double petunias, ivy-leaf geraniums and verbena to create his exhibit, which he named In the Pink.

Having recovered from bowel cancer, Mr Robinson chose pink to promote breast cancer awareness, using the same colour for his exhibit as ribbons used in the cancer awareness campaign.

Since 1996, he has won two silvers and five bronzes in prestigious flower shows.

And if that wasn't enough to keep him busy, he is also a judge for the Oxford Mail-sponsored Oxford in Bloom competition and has been on the committee for 18 years.

A love of gardening runs in his family - his grandfather was a champion rose grower, while his father was also a keen gardener.

Mr Robinson took an interest in gardening from an early age, but only found the time to concentrate on it when he retired from the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre 20 years ago.