I read with some disquiet Chris Walker’s article Plan will spoil our Woodland in Friday’s Oxford Mail.

The reason that local parishioners are up in arms is because tree cutting is due to start on Sunday and birds are still nesting.

Oxford Conservation Volunteers (OCV) who are carrying out the work for North Hinksey Parish Council usually do woodland work in September to avoid disturbing animals and their young, but have been asked by the parish council to do it now.

There is general support for the hydrology and fen work which is planned, but not at this time of year.

The Open Spaces Society issued a press release last week urging the parish council to reschedule work until the autumn but they have refused to do so.

The Trust for Oxfordshire Environment has only funded the hydrology work which will hopefully alleviate flooding problems and help keep the rare alkaline in good order and not, as reported, the parish council’s other ideas for paths and dipping platforms,which many residents feel are both inappropriate and unnecessary.

Julia Hammett, Hurst Rise Road, Oxford