I was very moved by David Tinson’s letter about Jim Wheeler and cancer drugs (Oxford Mail ViewPoints, May 18).

Jim Wheeler and I started school on the same day, and although we were never in the same class, our friendship was unquestionable.

My parents always knew where to find me, should I not be at home.

Jim was a decent, hardworking man, of sound values. He believed in a just society and always did his best to help those less fortunate than himself.

I remember at school, when Jim, upon seeing a fellow pupil wearing a broken pair of sandals on a bitterly cold winter’s day – give a pair of his shoes to the boy. He asked for nothing in return.

Such was Jim’s kindness and generosity.

During his short illness, I never heard Jim complain – though he was in obvious pain.

So, when I heard that Jim’s case was not exceptional and warranting life-saving cancer drugs, I was really hurt and sad.

Jim was not only exceptional, but unique too.

My life has been enriched by him.

I will be taking part in the Moonlight Stroll on July 10 in aid of the Sobell House hospice charity.

Colin Cherry, Colterne Close, Headington, Oxford