A NEW footpath has been built linking a railway station and shopping centre in Bicester – but watch out for the telegraph pole.

Builders have constructed a path between Bicester Town station and Bicester Village as part of the designer outlet’s car park extension, but have been forced to work around the 30ft pole.

The pole now stands in the middle of the footpath just around a right-hand bend.

David Sharp, of Stable Close, Bicester, said: “When you are coming out of Bicester Village you have good advance warning by sight that there is an obstruction ahead.

“But from the station side of the corner you wouldn’t know that it was there, let alone in the middle of the path up ahead.”

Bicester Village spokesman Miranda Markham said: “BT is aware of it and are going to be dealing with it.

“Because of the building work it’s slightly narrowed the footpath and it’s more obvious.

“This has been brought to the attention of BT and we will obviously be pushing harder to get it sorted out.”

BT spokesman Emma Littlejohn said it was sending someone out to look at the pole.

She said: “We will review and liaise with those responsible with the path.”