A mother who has battled to improve her truant daughter's attendance has hit out at an Oxford school for sending pupils home during a crackdown on uniform.

Lisa Smith said her 13-year-old daughter Sophie was turned away from Peers Technology College yesterday morning because her trainers were black and white instead of plain black.

Parents received letters last term warning of the crackdown and a number of pupils have been sent home this week for breaching the dress code.

The Littlemore school, which is in special measures after failing an Ofsted inspection last October, is trying to smarten up its image and will be strictly enforcing the existing uniform until families have been consulted on plans for a new uniform, which could feature traditional blazers.

Mother-of-three Ms Smith, 30, of Pegasus Road in Blackbird Leys, said: "I had a problem with my daughter's attendance.

"She was a problem student and I got her to go to school by grounding her for four months and ringing the school every day to check she was there. Now they are kicking kids out of school because of the uniform it's just ridiculous. I'm a single mum with three kids. If the uniform wasn't so expensive I could afford to buy her some black shoes.

"I'm just happy my daughter's in school. Whether she's got the right colour trainers is not important. What difference do her trainers make to her education?"

Deputy head Jeanette Mackie said the school had helped a number of families out financially as part of the crackdown.

She said: "We have written to parents explaining that we are taking a strong line on this and that we might send children home.

"We are just trying to smarten up the look of the place and get students in the right uniform.

"Sophie was asked to come to reception to check her uniform.

"She hasn't been castigated and nobody told her to go home.

"Obviously we want Sophie in school but we have a uniform policy and we have to enforce it. Quite clearly she does need to be in black shoes because that's the uniform.

"We have sent children home and we are following it up on a daily basis.

"We want a smarter image for Peers it's about trying to take pride in the place.

"We're aware that our uniform is quite expensive which is why we're consulting on a range of options for changing it."

Mrs Mackie did not know how many children had been sent home.