Is Russia flexing its muscles again to the West with the recent events in the Ukraine?

Both Russia and America went to war in Afghanistan over oil and gas. America is now involved with British soldiers in a conflict in Iraq.

Some 500 years ago, continents started interacting politically.

Eurasia, the territory east of Germany -- Russia, the Middle East, China and parts of India -- has been the centre of world power. Russia and China are the two main powers threatening the United States over oil-rich Central Asia.

The world's energy consumption keeps increasing. Therefore, whoever controls Caspian oil and gas will control the world economy.

Afghanistan is the gateway to all these riches. Osama Bin Laden is sulking somewhere.

America needs a bit of a lie-down to collect itself before taking its next giant step, to conquer Eurasia.

A pipeline will be built in Afghanistan to try to gain control of Caspian oil and gas and if doing that means further wars with Iran and North Korea, so be it.

Frederick Carter, Frys Court, Nightingale Avenue, Oxford