The threatened Bicester-Oxford rail line has been given a shot in the arm with extra trains for Christmas shoppers, starting this weekend.

Until now there were no trains between Bicester and Oxford on a Sunday -- but there will be an hourly Sunday service for the next month, with all trains calling at Islip.

There will also be a revised Saturday timetable, with three extra trains each way, but these will not stop at Islip.

The extra services are being supported by Bicester Village and Oxfordshire County Council, in partnership with the train operator First Great Western Link. Kate McIntosh, FGW Link station manager for Oxford, said: "Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year on the roads and more people are choosing the train as a convenient and comfortable alternative."

The Christmas timetable, which is targeted at shoppers, will run from this weekend for six weeks until Sunday, December 18.

Special fares will apply, with an adult return ticket costing £2.80, and a child return prices at £1.

For information on the times of weekend trains, see or call 08457 484950.