Poole businessman Aaron Lansy is the man who will take the helm at Oxford next year if everything goes to plan.

He is new to the promoting game, so will have another established promoter alongside him in his first year at Cowley.

The little-known Lansy has confirmed he has a verbal agreement to take over from Steve Purchase.

"We have shaken hands on the deal." he said.

He is also close to closing a deal with Oxford Stadium on the lease of the track.

"We are almost there," he said. "With Oxford not knowing where they are going from one season to the next, it will be nice to get everything wrapped

up before Christmas. We are almost there, but there is still a lot of talking to do yet."

His first job will be to get a team together and it's widely reported that he is keen to keep Australian Travis McGowan on board.

It would also be nice if he could retain the American showmen Greg Hancock and Billy Hamill, but as both are Coventry assets, there will be plenty of negotiating needed for a deal to be struck.