VILLAGERS in Kidlington whose homes were ruined by the floods at Easter will be able to air their concerns at a public meeting.

The parish council has invited Evan Harris, MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, and representatives from the Environment Agency and the British Waterways Board to face victims of the floods at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, at 7.30pm on Monday.

Professional engineer Carl Smith, the clerk of Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council, has compiled a draft report for the meeting in which he blames some of the flooding on a lake built by Richard Branson near his home in Mill End, Kidlington.

Residents demanded action after more than 100 villagers broke up an annual parish meeting last month as they vented their anger and frustration. It was feared the trouble was sparked when notices began appearing around Kidlington advertising a public meeting.

An inquiry is taking place into what happened on Good Friday and, when it is completed, Cherwell District Council intends to hold a public meeting for everyone affected from Banbury to Kidlington.

Kidlington Parish Council clerk Tricia Redpath said: "Some of the people affected were asking 'How do we know what to ask the inquiry if we don't sit down and talk about it?'"The parish council had no choice but to call the meeting when we saw the strength of feeling. If they are that uptight about it, they need a forum where they can let off steam."

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