Playtime in the park turned into a nightmare when toddler Jordan Bachelor gashed his hand on broken glass left in a play tunnel.

The two-year-old needed stiches at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, after he crawled through the tunnel in Edmonds Park, Newlands Avenue, Didcot.

His angry mum Julie, 28, and dadPhilip, 29, of Kynaston Road, Didcot, said the broken glass must have been left there deliberately.

She said: "I saw him going through the tunnel. The next thing I heard was him screaming.

"I ran towards him and his hand was pouring with blood."

Julie and Jordan's dad Philip, 29, took him to the nearby Didcot Wave Centre where a member of staff helped stem the bleeding. Jordan was then taken to casualty at the JR, where his inch-long wound was treated using butterfly stitches.

Julie added: "It could have been much more serious. I'm just really annoyed with the people that did this. I was really upset. It could have been their brothers or sisters. We spoke to a couple of girls who said boys had smashed bottles in there after drinking.

"We all do silly things when we're young but there's a difference between what's silly and what's dangerous."

Julia Underwood, clerk of Didcot Town Council, which owns the park, said: "We check all the equipment every day but it's very difficult to check the play equipment every hour. We're very sorry if there's been a problem."

She invited Jordan's parents to get in touch with the council to discuss the accident.

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