Catholic priest Father Ted O'Malley has been charged with nine sex offences including male rape and indecent assault.

Father O'Malley was suspended in June as priest of St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Banbury, after police said they were investigating allegations of indecency involving a young boy.

Father O'Malley, 54, had been at the church for nine years.

A spokesman for Coventry police said Father O'Malley had been charged with two counts of male rape and seven of indecent assault.

Father O'Malley, a priest for more than 30 years, gave police an address in Wakefield. He is due to appear before Coventry magistrates on September 17 and has been released on police bail. The police spokesman said the charges related to offences alleged to have taken place in Coventry, Birmingham, Leamington Spa and Wakefield. The Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Rev Maurice Couve de Murville, travelled to Banbury to offer comfort to churchgoers when news of the police investigation first broke.

He asked them to remember their priest in their prayers along with "all those concerned in this very sad situation".

The Archbishop said in his statement: "The alleged offences are purported to have taken place some years ago and do not relate to Father O'Malley's current duties."

Services at St Joseph's have been taken by Father Gary Mantle, a priest at St John's Church in Banbury.

Father Tom Farrell, spokesman for the Archbishop, said yesterday: "The Church has implemented its guidelines in suspending Father O'Malley from his duties. The Church will continue to operate within its guidelines."

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