Company director Michael Neal, who was killed when his car spun off a country road and hit a tree, had drunk more than twice the legal limit of alcohol, an inquest heard.

Mr Neal, 52, of The Spinney, Launton, near Bicester, was not wearing a seat-belt when he appeared to lose control of his Volvo 850 estate. Oxford Coroners' Court heard yesterday that Mr Neal had been out for dinner and had shared a bottle of wine with a friend before the crash.

His crushed car was found at the junction of Heath Road and Featherbed Lane, Hethe, north of Bicester, in June. It is believed he tried to steer the car through the junction but instead went straight through it. The crash happened while it was dark and the 60mph limit road was unlit.

Investigating officer Pc David Frew, of Bicester traffic, told the inquest: "Had the seat-belt been worn it is likely the driver's injuries would have been less severe." No other cars were involved and it is believed alcohol or tiredness may have caused the misjudgement. Mr Neal worked at Central Commercial Limited in Brackley.

Oxfordshire Coroner Nicholas Gardiner recorded that Mr Neal, who suffered chest injuries, died as the result of an accident.

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