Eight boffins at a scientific research firm have resigned after an investigation into misuse of the Internet.

Insiders say scientists and engineers at the science giant AEA Technology were caught red-handed surfing the Internet when they should have been working.

It is understood that some workers had downloaded pornographic material.

Nick Parsons, a spokesman for the firm, which has laboratories in Harwell and Culham, confirmed today that an investigation had found people were misusing the Internet.

He stressed no-one had been sacked and that not all the workers who had resigned were based in Oxfordshire.

Mr Parsons said many of the staff at the privatised company, formerly part of the Atomic Energy Authority, had Internet access to help them with their jobs. He said the firm monitored use of the Internet and had launched an internal investigation where there was very heavy use.

"Following a recent investigation into use of the Internet, we found some people had been misusing the system and we have taken disciplinary action," he said.

"Eight members of staff have elected to resign. All I can say is a wide variety of material was accessed that was for private use and we did not think it was appropriate.

"We take a very serious view of this. After the incident we reminded staff that it is provided to them for business, not private, use."

AEA Technology has sites across the UK from the north of Scotland to the south coast and employs 4,500 people.

Story date: Tuesday 23 February

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